Living the Good Life – Revamped – Release 2024


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Can you live off a suburban block? Trev, Linda and their 6-year-old, Caleb attempted to spend 6 months without spending a dollar to find out.

They had Possum, a backyard goat for milk and cheese, and chooks for eggs. They grew their own fruit and veg and bartered for what they couldn’t produce themselves. They parked the car and picked up their bicycles, used solar power, and rainwater tanks and had an adventure in sustainability that changed their world, reduced their footprint by 95% and made them healthier, wealthier and happier.

Previously published by Hardie Grant Books, 2006, and Snowbooks UK, 2007 – Living The Good Life – revamped is the original book updated and with additional chapters on their subsequent adventures.

With a new motto – Families who play together stay together – they moved to Tasmania, bought a bush block, and built a straw bale house from local and salvaged materials and no toxic chemicals.

Then they ramped up the home garden, and became market gardeners before morphing into growing rare heirloom seeds through their online business, Seed Freaks which featured on ABC Gardening Australia.

Due to medical reasons Linda & Trev recently sold the business and have a fresh focus on writing and recovery.

Living the Good Life – changing how we live is how we change the world.

“Disillusioned with their lives, Linda Cockburn and Trevor Wittmer decide this is how to break the cycle of too much work and too little time for doing the things that are important, like spending time with their son, Caleb. Their idea of living sustainably on a suburban block is simple and perfect. By drawing all their power from the sun, harvesting their water from the rain and growing enough produce to give them variety, they can do something positive for the environment and for themselves. For six months they take it to the extreme – and come up against a drought, an onslaught of fruit fly, and the demands of an unruly goat called Possum. But they also become fitter, healthier and happier, and delight in the simple pleasures of being reconnected with nature. Join them on their journey – share their recipes and tips for how to live more sustainably and learn astounding facts on the state of the Earth. This is a practical, fascinating and inspiring read that will have you looking afresh at your own backyard.”  Hardie Grant, 2006

ISBN: 978-0-6455142-6-1


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